Moana Birthday Party

Moana Birthday Party Number

We are throwing Willa a Moana Luau Birthday party for her second birthday! Being a graphic designer and just a birthday enthusiast in general, I tend to go a little over board. This year I am trying to keep it simple and impactful since I have two crazy children keeping me busy. One of my favorite things I am making for her party is her Two-fiti. I thought I would share how I made it with you all!

Moana Second Birthday Cardboard Number


  • Cardboard
  • Green Tissue Paper (I used about 12 sheets)
  • A glue gun and plenty of glue sticks
  • Fake flowers (I found the best ones at Hobby Lobby but was only able to find hibiscus flowers via amazon)
  • Artificial Palm Leaves (I got these from amazon)
  • A Paper Straw

Cut your number from the cardboard. It is okay if there are folds or marks on the cardboard since it will be covered and hanging.

Take your tissue paper and cut it into squares about 4 inches by 4 inches. I just folded the paper until it made a square and cut the paper at the folds to make it faster. It's okay if they aren't perfect.

Scrunch the paper up into a ball. The more you crinkle it up the more it will look like foliage.

Using the glue gun, glue the scrunched up paper to the cardboard. Make it as random as you wish. No need for perfection here. The messier the better.

Tissue Paper Moana Number

This next step can be optional if you wish. I "painted" my tissue paper with oil to add some darker areas and make it look more "real". I took a Q-tip and dipped it in olive oil and then dabbed the tissue paper at random to add more dimension. I thought it made a difference. Nick thought I was crazy. I guess you decide for yourself. LOL

Tafiti Number for a Moana Birthday Party

Place your foliage and flowers on the letter before glueing them. This way you can make adjustments without making extra glue spots. TIP: Fold your leaves in half down the middle and curl the leaf parts using a marker to make them look more realistic.

Glue all your leaves and flowers down using the glue gun.

Turn your number over. Take your paper straw. Place it on the upper part of your number. Make sure that it is level and glue about an inch on both ends. Then cut the middle out. This will give you two level spots to hang the number from. All you will have to do is put string through the straw and hang.

If you would like to see a full video "How-To" for our Moana Birthday Party number, visit our instagram. You can find this in our DIY Highlights.

Happy celebrating!


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